Friday, December 28, 2012

Resolution Fast Preparation

Preparing for the next few days of this fast is important. Before we can begin the process we have to make a few adjustments in our lifestyle:

State Your Intentions

What is your purpose for joining this fast? What are you seeking to fulfill after you have completed this journey? It's important to state your intentions for they will be the key to unlock the door to your success. No one is here to judge you. If you wish to openly share your intentions feel free to leave a post on the page. If you want to be private that is also ok. I would recommend trusting someone enough to share with them. Let them be there for encouragement and accountability. Let them stand with you in prayer as you walk this journey to find your truth.

Be transparent and vulnerable with yourself. Don't hold anything back. Being pure with your intentions will start the healing process and align you with the truth that ultimately will set you free.

Sacred Space

I ask you to create a space for sacredness. Set a time and place aside where you can be at complete peace and without any distractions and interruptions. For some this may be tough if you have a busy schedule filled with responsibilities and kids but it is a very important part of this process.

You must learn how to detach yourself from your roles for a space in time and get to the truth of your soul. You must be willing to surrender your thoughts and allow your heart to speak. This is a time and place for meditation, prayer and stillness. This is the place in which you will allow your dreams to come forth and give you a new sense of hope. This is where you meditate on your purpose, passion and goals.

My suggestion would be to create a specific time in your daily schedule such as in the morning before you get ready for your day. This helps you start off the day with positive thoughts and a clear mind allowing you to bring your best to the day and be more productive.

Cleaning The Clutter

Releasing the things that no longer serve you such as relationships, thoughts, habits and emotions is a huge part of preparing for the new things to come forth in your life. Learn to be present in the moment and allow whatever that moment brings to teach you. When you release old thoughts you make room for new ones that will serve you in this moment. Old thoughts serve the past and keep you stuck therefore delaying and hindering your transformation.

Clean Your Temple

Only fill your body with food that nurtures you. Refrain from eating things that you go to when you are emotional. Eliminate processed foods and refined sugars. Eat whole in their natural form. If you want to take it to another level you might also want to refrain from eating animal products such as meat, chicken, fish, pork, dairy...etc. Use your own discretion if you would like. This fast is completely personal and can be a very intimate and meaningful journey. Only you know what your struggles are and what will challenge you to change.

Food will be a very important part of this journey especially if you are on a journey to lose weight or heal your emotional eating. Nutrition also has a profound affect on your body and mood. When I decided to give up animal products over 3 years ago it was one of the most spiritual experiences of my life. I had my own personal reasons for eliminating it from my diet and I understand that it might not be for you. I had a lot of emotional and personal things I was going through and this was what my spirit lead me to do.
I believe the body knows how to heal it self and balance itself. We just have to be willing to give it that space to do so. Fasting is about denying the flesh and bringing it under subjection to the spirit. So during this time of fasting it's imperative that you learn how to control your emotional eating by eliminating those foods that you tend to run to.

Eat Only When Hungry

During the fast I would recommend you eat only when you are hungry. Instead of following a restricted meal plan I would suggest you learn how to listen to your body rather than force it to do anything. Before each meal it is best to meditate and create a stillness with. Refrain from eating in front of the TV or while doing any other activity. This is the time to be completely present and aware of your actions.

Many times we eat unconsciously. This is when we are more inclined to overeat. It's time to reconnect with your body and treat it sacred. Take your time chewing, swallowing and savouring. Listen to your body and how it responds to your food. If it doesn't taste good or it makes you feel yucky then don't eat it anymore. Often times we force our bodies to eat something even when it doesn't want it. This is how we create a negative relationship with food and our bodies.

Stop eating when you feel satisfied. This is why it's important to meditate before you eat. This will help you clear your mind and not attach emotions to your food making you once again less likely to overeat.

Deal With It

Don't feed your emotions. Only allow a space for them but don't give them fuel to grow. Don't silence your emotions with food or other unhealthy habits. Let them speak, teach you and point you to your own truth.

Many of us have had to deal with adversities in our lives. Rather than deal with the emotions linked to them we hide them away in a closet. We push them way into the deepest darkest places within just to survive. Often times those emotions resurface when a certain trigger is activated. As a way to cope and not experience further pain we try to drown them out with food.

During this fast it's important to make room for those emotions to resurface. As you start to become more conscious through your meditations you will most definitely be forced to deal with many of the things you have tried to keep hidden. This is the time to welcome them and deal with them.

What ever the emotion is it has a purpose. We don't just experience things in life on accident. Many of the oppositions in our lives are opportunities. They often come to awaken us to our true identity and potential. They help us surrender and fully embrace God's will and plan for our lives. Rather than continually wrestling with that emotion I challenge you to overcome it once and for all. Let it speak and then release it.

As I have stated before this fast is completely personal. I am just here to guide you. I will be posting things on the page and on my blog as the spirit leads me to. I know that each of you has came here for a different reason. I am not in any way trying to force you to believe anything. I believe we each have our own truth that we must seek and live.

I look forward to sharing my heart with you all and learning more about you as you begin to open up and share your heart as well. If you don't want to share your journey publicly but would still like the support please feel free to private message me or email me at

I pray the best for you all. Remember I am always here for you. If I don't respond immediately to your messages please be patient. I have limited computer access at this time. I will still do my best to communicate with you in a timely manner so please don't hesitate to contact me.

For those of you that follow my blog and not my Facebook page and would like to join the fast please follow this link and request and invite.

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