I have struggled with fears and insecurities for so much of my life. I always made excuses and tried to find ways out of things. I tried to remain in my comfort zone until the pain of remaining was greater than that of growing. I couldn't remain in my shell anymore. I couldn't hide from my potential and see all my dreams fade away. I had to step out from behind the shadows of my past and become the woman that God created me to be.
That fear of being hurt, rejected and judged was the fuel I used to pursue my passion. I knew that I could either crumble beneath the weight of my fears or I could use it to strengthen me. I chose to let it strengthen me. You see for many years I allowed my emotions to control me, limit me and conform me. I molded myself and my life around negative thoughts. I blamed everyone else for my unhappiness and unsuccessful life.
I was like a leaf floating around in the wind. My mind and my emotions would go from one place to another. I was so unstable. One minute I was happy and the next I was depressed. One minute I had hope and the next I was living in fear. I was so used to being miserable and having a life full of drama that I thought it would always be this way. I didn't know how to live any other way. It was my uncomfortable "comfort zone".
Since I defined myself by the drama it became a part of me and I attracted more of it. I was unaware that no one else was in control of my life. The issues in my life were a direct reflection of my own heart. They were a part of my own thought process. The word of God tells us that as a man thinks so is he. Which means that our thoughts control us. We are products of our thoughts.
It also tells us that we must guard our hearts with all diligence because out of them flow the issues of life. This means that I have no one else to blame for my issues. They are a direction reflection of the condition of my own heart. We can not control what other people do to us but we can control how we respond. We can control how we feel and what we do.
As I began to understand these principle and how they affect my life I was then able to take responsibility for my own actions and begin to transform my life. This is a principle that not only affects the issues in your life but also affects your weight loss. If you continually think you are fat, unhealthy and weak then you will reap the harvest of those thoughts.
The opposite is also true. If you edify yourself by speaking words of life then you will reap the harvest of that seed....or thought. These are principles that many of us are not aware of which leads us to feel powerless and frustrated. We feel that we are not in control of our lives which also causes us to feel afraid. When we feel out of control we tend to hide from life. We tend to remain in our comfort zones because we don't want to confront the unseen things. We don't want to walk by faith and believe in ourselves and God.
When we begin to rewire our thoughts and attach ourselves to God truth it is then that we can begin to transform our lives and our bodies. God tell us in His word that we should not conform ourselves into the image of this world but that we should transform ourselves by the renewing of our minds. This means that we should not force ourselves to take on the thought patterns of this world. We should not force ourselves into a mold of what the world says we should be. We should not limit ourselves by what the world says we should do or can do.
As we awaken to our true nature in God our mind will begin to renew and we will be transformed. We will be delivered from our old habits, addictions, thoughts and ways of doing things. We will walk in righteousness and reap the harvest of a disciplined and obedient heart. A heart that yearns after God and thirsts for truth. A heart that trust in God and walks by faith. A heart that is pure and reaps abundance and prosperity.
So I encourage you to search your heart and surrender it to God. Take responsibility for your actions and your life. You are not powerless and defeated. You are full of power and walk in victory. God has already gone before you and prepared a place for you in this world. You are not merely existing. God has a plan for you. He desires to prosper you and give you a life full of hope.
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