Thursday, November 29, 2012


The Carb Scare

There is definitely a no carb or low carb craze going on right now in the diet industry. While I know that lowering your carbs and eliminating them can cause weight loss I don't believe it is healthy. Of course you want to eat carbohydrates in the right amounts and at the right times but completely eliminating or drastically reducing them might create some issues in your body.

Carbohydrates are the body's primary source of energy; in fact, carbohydrates spare both fat and protein from being broken down and used for energy. Why does this benefit you? Well fats and protein have their own special role in ensuring that your body is functioning efficiently. Fats are an essential nutrient. They supply essential fatty acids for growth, healthy skin, vitamin-absorption and regulation of bodily functions.

Proteins are another essential nutrient and are the body's building blocks. They are instrumental in forming cells, repairing tissue, making antibodies, building nucleoproteins (RNA/DNA), carrying oxygen throughout the body, assisting muscle activity, as well as being part of the enzyme and hormonal system

Mental Focus

Your body breaks down carbohydrates to glucose for energy for the body's cells. The minimum daily amount needed to spare other nutrients from being used for energy, such as fats and proteins, is 130 g. Your brain cells require nearly twice as much energy as the other cells in your body, reports the Franklin Institute for Science Learning. Glucose, the simplest form of carbohydrate, is used up rapidly during mental activity. Mental concentration drains glucose from a part of the brain associated with learning and memory, which emphasizes how crucial maintaining an optimal blood sugar level is for proper brain function.
Not consuming enough carbohydrates can cause a caloric deficiency or result in an excessive intake of fats, throwing your diet off balance. Complex carbohydrates such as starchy veggies, beans, legumes, whole grains and cereals are an important source of essential micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Grains are an important food source of several B vitamins, including thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and folate, as well as minerals such as iron, magnesium and selenium.

Source of Fiber

Complex carbohydrate foods, such as vegetables and whole grains, are rich in dietary fiber. Health benefits of fiber-rich diets include a reduced risk of developing coronary heart disease, improved cholesterol levels and a healthier weight. Individuals who choose diets rich in fruits and vegetables, as part of a healthful diet, are less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancers, particularly cancer of the oral cavity, throat, lung, esophagus, stomach and colon.

So you see it is important to understand how foods work in our bodies. While carbohydrates do have there time and place in our diets they should not be completely eliminated. It is beneficial to eat a diet that is balanced and full of all the essential nutrients our bodies need. Not only will it help you achieve a healthy weight loss but it will also ensure that your body is functioning at it's best.

I remember experimenting with carb cycling a few months ago and experiencing severe mood swings, a foggy mind and low energy. It was a horrible feeling. I realized that although it might help me achieve a weight loss it was not a healthy way to go. I didn't want to compromise my health for a few pounds. It is more important to me to maintain a healthy diet, listen to my body's needs and allow the weight to come off naturally by eating a well balanced diet and exercising.

Like I mentioned before carbs have a place in our diet. You can eat carbs and lose weight. To be honest eating carbs will encourage a healthy weight loss that is maintainable and lifelong. Nobody wants to lose 50 lbs on carb free diet and gain it all back when they begin to eat carbs again. So understanding when to eat carbs will help you not only lose weight but maintain your weight loss and give you enough energy to live an active life.

My recommendations are to eat your carbs around your activities. Since carbs are used for energy if you are not going to need energy after 4pm then don't eat any carbs. I personally eat them during the day and before my workouts. I also eat a little carbs after my workout to replenish my body. Once I know that my body is going to be winding down and I don't need any more energy I cut them off. So pretty much no carbs in the evening.

Remember any carbs that are not used up for energy more then likely will be stored as fat. Since we don't want this to happen we must make sure we are using this fuel source wisely. You also want to eat carbs that contain lots of fiber and are slow digesting in order to keep your blood sugar from spiking. This will also keep you feeling full longer. The key it to maintain a steady level of blood sugar throughout the day. So eating consistent meals every 3-4 hours will help keep those levels evened out and prevent any drastic spikes or dips.

Some great sources of carbs that you can include in your meals are quinoa, sweet potatoes, brown rice, oats, barley, fruits and veggies. Beans are an great source of carbs as they are high in fiber and low in fat. This means you will get full faster and stay full longer with fewer calories consumed. It is said that presoaking the beans before cooking also helps with digestion and reduces flatulence. :) Try replacing meat with beans in your stews and soups. They are also great on top of salads.

Well I hope that this helped you understand a little more about carbs and removed the fear of consuming them. I do not recommend eating processed carbs such as crackers, cookies, cakes, chips, candy and so on. I advocate eating whole food sources as I listed above.

Sources used:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Not What BUT Why

Many of us have a hard time with nutrition when it comes to weight loss. I think we have focused too much on what we should eat versus why we should eat it. If someone tells me I should eat protein, carbs and fat I want to know...WHY!? Why is it important to eat each one of those nutrients and what does it do to my body.

When I was first trying to lose weight and get healthy I struggled with sugar. I think it's pretty safe to say that I was addicted to it. Yes you can become addicted to certain foods. You can become chemically addicted and emotionally addicted. Often times we eat certain foods during emotional times because they make us feel better. So the next time you feel that emotion you tend to reach for that soothing or comforting food.

So the only way I knew how to break my addiction was to get scared straight. I researched the affects that sugar has on the body and did my best to avoid it and replace it with healthier alternatives. That is where the second problem came in. Using negative thoughts to combat my negative addiction. It was like adding fuel to the fire for several reasons. When I did eat the sugary food I felt shame and guilt because I attached the "bad" label to it. That only lead to more negative emotions that I soothed with more sugar. You see that never ending cycle of addiction?

I decided that rather than looking at the negative affects of food I needed to switch my energy. I needed to focus on loving my body and learning how to nurture it with beneficial and healthy foods. As I began to expand my knowledge of nutrition I began to understand WHY certain foods are beneficial and how they affect my body.

It doesn't matter how many diet plans you try to follow. If you are trying to fight a food addiction or break old unhealthy eating habits, diets more than likely won't work. You might manage to lose a few pounds or even reach your goals but more times than not you will refer back to your old habits and gain the weight back.

Food often becomes a pawn in a game rather than a tool to success. We don't look at food as it was intended. We look at is as a way to be entertained and comforted. We fail to understand the power that it has to not only transform our body but also heal us emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Yep I said it. Food was intended to be healing, nurturing and empowering. It can heal our minds, bodies and spirits. How? Many foods contain powerful chemicals that nurture our bodies back to their natural state. We have allowed the wrong foods to take us far off the path from what we were created to be. Did you know that food can have a profound affect on your mental state? Did you know it can affect your hormones, brain function, heart, muscles, bones, organs and so much more?

I believe we have spent way too much time manipulating and adulterating food to suit our needs instead of using it for it's amazing healing properties. When our bodies are healed with proper nutrition we are then empowered to function at our highest potential. Too many of us are robbed of energy from non beneficial foods. We have given our power over to sugar loaded, artery clogging and hormone filled foods.

Food is no longer what it used to be. Sadly companies make millions and billions of dollars adulterating it in order to make a profit. They pump hormones and antibiotics into animals in order to produce more meat and milk. They strip the natural nutrients out of our grains during processing. They spray toxins on our crops and genetically modify them to prevent a loss.

It's sad that many of the foods we eat are making us not only fat but sick. To be honest they are even killing us. It's super important to truly understand what food is, where it comes from, what affects it has on our bodies and how it can be used to reach our goals of not only becoming fitter but also more productive.

I hope that I can help educate you more about the food you put into your body. It is my passion and mission to learn as much as I can so that I can help empower others to make better choices. Our health is not out of our control. We are not prisoners. We have the power to take control and live our best life. We can become the best version of ourselves by becoming educated.

The following posts will be about food and WHY it is an important part of our lives. It's not about a get skinny diet plan. It's about understanding HOW and WHY food is an essential and important part of living a healthy and balanced life.

You won't find a cookie cutter meal plan here that encourages you to eat chicken, broccoli and almonds. This is about understanding why you should eat those foods and the benefits of eating clean versus just counting calories. We have to practice quality versus quantity. While 1200 calorie diets might get you skinny...they won't create a lean, healthy and strong body. After all isn't that what we want?

Anybody can get skinny but I want to be healthy and strong. I don't just want to fit in a size 6 jeans I want to be able to run with endurance and lift with power. I want to be able to have sharp mental focus and stable emotions. I want to be the best version of myself. I want to reach my highest potential with vigor and stamina.

How about you? Are you ready to be empowered? Are you ready to go past the clouds and finally reach your highest potential? Well I am here to help you so stay tuned for some great post on nutrition.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What you need to know about healthy eating

What you eat has a profound effect on your physique and overall health. It’s important to think of food as fuel.  Proteins are an essential nutrient for the human body. They are one of the building blocks of body tissue and help sustain lean muscle mass. The more muscle you have the higher your calorie burn even while at rest. Think recovery fuel. Carbohydrates “carbs” are your body’s primary energy source. Eating the right amount of complex carbs at the right times will help fuel your workouts and provide energy throughout the day. Not eating enough carbs can compromise muscle growth as your body will use protein as energy. You don't want this to happen because you want to have enough protein in your body to rebuild cells and feed your new lean muscle. Think energy fuel. Fats are also an essential nutrient that your body needs to encourage fat loss and proper heart and brain function. They also help create healthy strong nails and hair as well as aid in vitamin absorption.

While being healthy and fit requires balance cheat meals are not a part of that equation. It’s important to make healthy choices that will encourage a lifetime of abundant health and wellness. This takes a great amount of discipline and dedication. Eating high fat, greasy, or sugar loaded foods might sound good right now but after a few weeks of healthy lifestyle choices they might end up turning your stomach.
Eating in this manner not only affects your physique but also your mood, hormone levels, heart, brain, and other organs. It’s important to not think of food as a treat. High cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, and other diseases are not a good way of “treating” your body. Learning how to love and treat your body with respect will help keep you on track and encourage you to make healthier choices. Instead try rewarding yourself with a new outfit in a smaller size (for motivation or to update your wardrobe), new workout clothes, a spa treatment or something else that makes you feel strong and healthy. This will keep you in the right state of mind.

Making healthier choices requires educating yourself on what is best for your body. Understanding how to read labels and doing research on the effects of certain ingredients and chemicals is fundamental. This will ensure you are putting the right kind of nurturing foods in your body which will yield amazing results in not just your physique but your overall health. Avoid processed foods containing ingredients that you can't read. Try to eat as many whole clean foods as possible. This will not only aid in weight loss but also make you stronger and healthier. Whole clean foods are foods that are in their natural state….unadulterated food. If you keep your temple (body) pure you will create a free channel for change and abundance. Note: Your liver is responsible for cleansing your body of harmful chemicals as well as breaking down fat. If it’s too busy ridding your body of chemicals found in processed foods it is not efficiently breaking down fat therefore hindering your weight loss efforts.

Your goal is to eat 5-6 small complete meals per day containing a combination of protein, carbs and healthy fats. You should aim to eat every 2-3 hours and not skip a meal. You want to keep your metabolism fired up in order to burn unwanted calories. If your body knows it is going to be eating consistently it will have no problem letting go of what it doesn’t need. If you skip meals it will hold onto it and store it as fat. So make sure to be consistent with your meals.
Planning ahead by creating a shopping list, cooking in bulk and prepackaging your meals on your off days will ensure that you are not just reaching for unhealthy snacks when you are hungry. Make sure you prepackage snacks that you can grab-n-go when you are running out of the door in a hurry.
If you fail to plan to fail.
Failure is not an option so make the time to plan out your week to ensure success.

Many believe that moderation is key. I don’t necessarily agree with that way of thinking.
Moderation:  action of making something moderate: the limiting, controlling, or restricting of something so that it becomes or remains moderate.
This plan is not about restrictions. This is about learning how to create a healthy lifestyle in which you learn how to discipline yourself. It’s not about sacrifice or temporary changes. This is about understanding how your body works, reconnecting with it and nurturing it with the right food, exercise, and lifestyle habits.
In order to create healthy life long habits you must eliminate and avoid making unhealthy ones. There are foods that not only will hinder your weight loss and fitness goals but are also detrimental to your health. It’s important to educate yourself on the effects of eating these foods and do your best to avoid consuming them. Your health is in your take control.
Do your best to avoid the following ingredients and replace them with these healthier alternatives to yield the greatest weight loss results:

Avoid  ..................... Replace With
refined sugar/artificial sweeteners for baking......pureed fruit, fresh fruit juice, dates, real maple syrup (use all of these sparingly)
salt........dried or fresh herbs and spices (use freely), Mr.Dash, Bragg's Amino Acids (use sparingly)
salad dressings.....citrus juice (lemon, lime, orange), vinegar, fresh salsa, hummus
white potato..........sweet potato, butternut squash, cauliflower
white bread..........brown rice wrap, Ezekiel sprouted grain bread
white pasta..........brown rice pasta, spaghetti squash, julienned veggies
butter...........for mashed potatoes use veggie broth, for toast use nut butter or avocado
oil.......for baking use unsweetened apple sauce or fruit puree, for cooking use veggie broth
soda/juice........sparkling water or regular water with lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit slices. or unsweetened hot/cold tea
Starbucks or specialty coffee with plant milk, flavoring extracts, spices or fresh (mint, vanilla, pumpkin spice, ginger..etc) and Stevia (limited)
packaged snacks (salty)......hummus with raw veggies, bake your own chips, unsalted brown rice cakes, unsalted raw nuts
packaged snacks (sweet) w/ nuts, brown rice cake w/ nut butter a few banana slices and cinnamon (limited)
milk products........unsweetened plant milk (soy, hemp, oat, almond...etc. No coconut milk)
Note: Bragg’s Amino Acids resembles the taste of soy sauce. It can be used in stir fries, soups, sautes..etc. It can be very salty so use a little at a time and sparingly.

*This is the list of food rules that I make available to my clients along with a menu plan. If you are interested in your own menu plan please contact me for more information. Vegetarian and vegan options also available.

Note: I am not a certified nutritionist. The information given is strictly for educational purposes and does not replace the advice of a licensed professional. I provide this information in the hopes to educate you and empower you to make your own healthy lifestyle and food choices.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


It's not about WILLPOWER it's about DISCIPLINE.

"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."
 Hebrews 12:11

Discipline: training to ensure proper behavior: the practice or methods of teaching and enforcing acceptable patterns of behavior, order and control: a controlled orderly state, calm control behavior.

The most commonly used word I often hear people use when it comes to living a healthier lifestyle is "WILLPOWER". People associate that word with their own power to do something or stick to a regimen. While it's true that you must have self discipline it's important to understand where that power comes from.

"And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
2 Corinthians 12:9

It's not about your abilities but rather your willingness to lean on God and use His strength to power you through. It is about learning to follow a pattern day after day until you reach your desired destination. It's about teaching yourself to only do those things that serve a purpose.

Overeating does not serve your desire to lose weight or become healthy. Overspending does not serve your desire to buy a house or save for college. Understanding your purpose and creating a plan to achieve it will ensure you are moving in the right direction.

You must also know that you are never alone during your times of temptation. It's important to dig deep within yourself and root yourself in truth. Sure it's tough to lose weight but only because there are challenges. You have to often go against things that have been ingrained in you for so long.

Habits form over time. So your once overeating tendency must be uprooted and replaced with healthy habits. Making preparations to ensure your success is what will help you overcome many of the challenges that come before you. You must also remember that what is within you is greater than anything that can come against you.

We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against thoughts (Ephesians 6:12). Our challenges are often associated with old patterns and ways of thinking. We are not fighting against fat and food addictions. We are fighting against addictive behaviors and negative thoughts.

Like I have mentioned before this is way more than just about food and fitness. It goes deeper than the calories you burn versus the calories you eat. If it were that simple everyone would be in great shape. My belief is that our minds are our biggest tools in achieving success. Not just with weight loss but in achieving our goals in life.

We have to learn to discipline our minds and stand on the truths that God has promised us. We have to become one in mind, body and spirit. You can't expect your body to do something your mind won't do. Your body can't be disciplined until your mind is. It all works together in perfect order.

"I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should...." 1 Corinthians 9:27

So essentially your ability to achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams lies in your ability to go beyond what you feel and do what you know. You can't function between fear and faith. I know I will be successful but I can't reach that place of success in my life until I let go of fear and move towards faith.

Getting through those fears and lies often takes a great amount of endurance as you experience a lot of pain. I had to confront so many issues in my life to get to where I am today. Although I haven't reached many of my goals yet I am confident that the work God started in me He will finish (Philippians 1:6).

There were days when I didn't want to keep going. I would have rather settled for where I was than continue to experience growing pains. I was so afraid to step out of my little box. I was afraid to spread my wings and fly.

One day the fear of not reaching my potential and manifesting my calling became stronger than my fear of failing. I knew that I couldn't fail at something that God had already ordained. Imagine going to a bank and being preapproved to buy a house. That is how I feel now.

I know that God has already preapproved me. He has already gone before me and made a way. He has already established my footsteps. The only thing I have to do is move by faith. I have to trust that no matter how painful or uncertain the process can be at times I will achieve everything He has created me for.

Every step I take I am sowing a seed into my harvest. I can walk in peace knowing that God is in control. My disciplined and controlled mind can now perceive the future because I have removed the garbage that once clouded my it. Just like training your muscle to do a certain thing. Before you attempt it you might be doubtful that you can achieve it but after conditioning it and disciplining it your impossible is possible.

You then gain a confidence in yourself and attempt to do more and more things that at once seemed impossible. You no longer struggle to believe in your abilities because you understand who you are and what you can do. You rest in the truth that WITH God all things are possible.

When you are willing to trust in God....He WILL give you the POWER to achieve what He has called you to do.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Strong Spirit

"I hope you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.” –3 John 1:2

My prayer was that my outer man (flesh...body) would reflect my inner man (spirit). I knew that in order to achieve the body I desired (a strong, lean and healthy one) I would need to learn how to discipline myself. I knew that I couldn't be all that I wanted to become naturally until I knew how to bring my body under subjection to the spirit.

I didn't just want to look good aesthetically I wanted my body to reflect an inner discipline and obedience. It was important to me to not only talk the talk but also walk the walk. I wanted my body to be as strong as my spirit.

So my work began by digging deep within and unraveling the emotions that had me bound to this weak, overweight and unhealthy body. Like I have mentioned time and time again I wasn't addicted to food I was attached to my emotions. I was defined by them and they left me feeling weak and defenseless.

When I decided to not only take control of my life but take responsibility for my actions I started to see positive changes in my body. While I have not yet achieved the goals I have set for myself I am on my way. I am confident that I will reach them because this is no longer a sacrifice for me. It is my life.

God's word tells us that obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22). It is better for us to make our actions a part of a healthy lifestyle and learn to discipline ourselves rather than follow a diet. We will not only reap the rewards of obedience and discipline by achieving our weight loss and physique goals but we will also have the confidence and character to pursue our dreams.

Knowing how to follow your heart and not your emotions is a big part of being successful. There might be times when you doubt or fear certain things in life but your spirit will carry you beyond them. Understanding that there is a greater power working in you and through you will give you the confidence to once and for all tackle the things that have kept you from achieving your goals.

Having a purpose filled life to me means knowing you were created for something greater than your current circumstance. It allows you to rest in God and walk by faith. This is what a strong spirit means. Having a strong sense of purpose and understanding your calling. When you know that then you are able to discipline yourself to only do those things that serve that purpose and calling.

Giving into your emotions and letting them control you doesn't serve you so you decide to release them. You decide to release relationships...pain.....doubts and fears. You decide to finally release the weight and everything that has kept you bottled up inside your cocoon of hopes and dreams.

You finally open your wings and begin to soar. Your "I WILLs" become "I DIDs". You now longer just hope and dream but you start pursuing with a passion. That fire within you begins to burn up every doubt and fear and begins to fuel your passions. You begin to manifest your calling and inspire others to do the same.

What is holding you back from being all that you were created to be? It's time to release it and start manifesting everything you have ever hoped and dreamed for.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Piece Of Me

I wanted to share something I wrote a few months ago. For many years I have kept journals and written down whatever God put on my heart. I often re-read them when I am feeling down or discouraged. I hope to turn all my journals into a book one day so that I can help inspire others to also heal and become their best.

I was defined by my the things I had gone through. I allowed the past to define me....mold me....and conform me in the image I was. My true potential was hiding beneath layers of past hurts and feelings of worthlessness.

Now I stand here in a different form. Still unsure at times of what the future hold yet determined to be transformed as my mind is renewed. I have let go of the pain...made a mends with my past and surrendered to all possibilities of hope.

I have awaken to my true self. With each breath I am inspired to be my reach my fullest potential. I live now with a sense of peace that only comes from resting in God.

I am transforming as I now let discipline define me and sculpt me. My outer appearance is reflecting my inner Being.

I am a reflection of the transformation that has taken place within. I let go of expectations and just allow myself to take on a new form.

I stand on the promises that I have made to myself. I am faithful to myself because the first relationship I must heal is within me. I must reconnect my mind, body and spirit and let them work in unison.

I am married to the promise, faithful to the promise. I now become what I was always supposed to be.....


Not constructed with hands but created by spirit.

Molded and shaped by the belief that I am worthy. I am strong. I confident. I am powerful.

I was broken down by the struggle but redefined by the resistance.

I stand here strong and ready to face my destiny.