Many of us have a hard time with nutrition when it comes to weight loss. I think we have focused too much on what we should eat versus why we should eat it. If someone tells me I should eat protein, carbs and fat I want to know...WHY!? Why is it important to eat each one of those nutrients and what does it do to my body.
When I was first trying to lose weight and get healthy I struggled with sugar. I think it's pretty safe to say that I was addicted to it. Yes you can become addicted to certain foods. You can become chemically addicted and emotionally addicted. Often times we eat certain foods during emotional times because they make us feel better. So the next time you feel that emotion you tend to reach for that soothing or comforting food.
So the only way I knew how to break my addiction was to get scared straight. I researched the affects that sugar has on the body and did my best to avoid it and replace it with healthier alternatives. That is where the second problem came in. Using negative thoughts to combat my negative addiction. It was like adding fuel to the fire for several reasons. When I did eat the sugary food I felt shame and guilt because I attached the "bad" label to it. That only lead to more negative emotions that I soothed with more sugar. You see that never ending cycle of addiction?
I decided that rather than looking at the negative affects of food I needed to switch my energy. I needed to focus on loving my body and learning how to nurture it with beneficial and healthy foods. As I began to expand my knowledge of nutrition I began to understand WHY certain foods are beneficial and how they affect my body.
It doesn't matter how many diet plans you try to follow. If you are trying to fight a food addiction or break old unhealthy eating habits, diets more than likely won't work. You might manage to lose a few pounds or even reach your goals but more times than not you will refer back to your old habits and gain the weight back.
Food often becomes a pawn in a game rather than a tool to success. We don't look at food as it was intended. We look at is as a way to be entertained and comforted. We fail to understand the power that it has to not only transform our body but also heal us emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Yep I said it. Food was intended to be healing, nurturing and empowering. It can heal our minds, bodies and spirits. How? Many foods contain powerful chemicals that nurture our bodies back to their natural state. We have allowed the wrong foods to take us far off the path from what we were created to be. Did you know that food can have a profound affect on your mental state? Did you know it can affect your hormones, brain function, heart, muscles, bones, organs and so much more?
I believe we have spent way too much time manipulating and adulterating food to suit our needs instead of using it for it's amazing healing properties. When our bodies are healed with proper nutrition we are then empowered to function at our highest potential. Too many of us are robbed of energy from non beneficial foods. We have given our power over to sugar loaded, artery clogging and hormone filled foods.
Food is no longer what it used to be. Sadly companies make millions and billions of dollars adulterating it in order to make a profit. They pump hormones and antibiotics into animals in order to produce more meat and milk. They strip the natural nutrients out of our grains during processing. They spray toxins on our crops and genetically modify them to prevent a loss.
It's sad that many of the foods we eat are making us not only fat but sick. To be honest they are even killing us. It's super important to truly understand what food is, where it comes from, what affects it has on our bodies and how it can be used to reach our goals of not only becoming fitter but also more productive.
I hope that I can help educate you more about the food you put into your body. It is my passion and mission to learn as much as I can so that I can help empower others to make better choices. Our health is not out of our control. We are not prisoners. We have the power to take control and live our best life. We can become the best version of ourselves by becoming educated.
The following posts will be about food and WHY it is an important part of our lives. It's not about a get skinny diet plan. It's about understanding HOW and WHY food is an essential and important part of living a healthy and balanced life.
You won't find a cookie cutter meal plan here that encourages you to eat chicken, broccoli and almonds. This is about understanding why you should eat those foods and the benefits of eating clean versus just counting calories. We have to practice quality versus quantity. While 1200 calorie diets might get you skinny...they won't create a lean, healthy and strong body. After all isn't that what we want?
Anybody can get skinny but I want to be healthy and strong. I don't just want to fit in a size 6 jeans I want to be able to run with endurance and lift with power. I want to be able to have sharp mental focus and stable emotions. I want to be the best version of myself. I want to reach my highest potential with vigor and stamina.
How about you? Are you ready to be empowered? Are you ready to go past the clouds and finally reach your highest potential? Well I am here to help you so stay tuned for some great post on nutrition.
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