Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Strong Spirit

"I hope you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.” –3 John 1:2

My prayer was that my outer man (flesh...body) would reflect my inner man (spirit). I knew that in order to achieve the body I desired (a strong, lean and healthy one) I would need to learn how to discipline myself. I knew that I couldn't be all that I wanted to become naturally until I knew how to bring my body under subjection to the spirit.

I didn't just want to look good aesthetically I wanted my body to reflect an inner discipline and obedience. It was important to me to not only talk the talk but also walk the walk. I wanted my body to be as strong as my spirit.

So my work began by digging deep within and unraveling the emotions that had me bound to this weak, overweight and unhealthy body. Like I have mentioned time and time again I wasn't addicted to food I was attached to my emotions. I was defined by them and they left me feeling weak and defenseless.

When I decided to not only take control of my life but take responsibility for my actions I started to see positive changes in my body. While I have not yet achieved the goals I have set for myself I am on my way. I am confident that I will reach them because this is no longer a sacrifice for me. It is my life.

God's word tells us that obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22). It is better for us to make our actions a part of a healthy lifestyle and learn to discipline ourselves rather than follow a diet. We will not only reap the rewards of obedience and discipline by achieving our weight loss and physique goals but we will also have the confidence and character to pursue our dreams.

Knowing how to follow your heart and not your emotions is a big part of being successful. There might be times when you doubt or fear certain things in life but your spirit will carry you beyond them. Understanding that there is a greater power working in you and through you will give you the confidence to once and for all tackle the things that have kept you from achieving your goals.

Having a purpose filled life to me means knowing you were created for something greater than your current circumstance. It allows you to rest in God and walk by faith. This is what a strong spirit means. Having a strong sense of purpose and understanding your calling. When you know that then you are able to discipline yourself to only do those things that serve that purpose and calling.

Giving into your emotions and letting them control you doesn't serve you so you decide to release them. You decide to release relationships...pain.....doubts and fears. You decide to finally release the weight and everything that has kept you bottled up inside your cocoon of hopes and dreams.

You finally open your wings and begin to soar. Your "I WILLs" become "I DIDs". You now longer just hope and dream but you start pursuing with a passion. That fire within you begins to burn up every doubt and fear and begins to fuel your passions. You begin to manifest your calling and inspire others to do the same.

What is holding you back from being all that you were created to be? It's time to release it and start manifesting everything you have ever hoped and dreamed for.


Thank you for following my journey and showing your love and support!