There will always be curves, dips, hills and what seem to be impossible mountains to climb during your journey through life. Those things can't define you nor can they hinder you from being who you are nor reaching your goals. They are only temporary challenges that often come before you to show you how strong you are. They awaken you to the deeper level of your existence. Focusing on the negative aspects of these roadblocks only will keep you beneath the weight of them.
Learning to overcome them takes a mental strength that many don't possess. Not because they don't have the ability to have it but because they have became so defined by the adversity in their lives that they don't know anything else. They have associated their lives with being challenging, chaotic, full of adversity and strife. The thought of stepping into a different territory is often scary to them.
Although they desire to break free from the limitations they have placed on themselves they don't really understand that they hold the key that unlocks that door. We are not defenseless nor hopeless in our lives. We have the power to overcome and conquer what ever we face in life. We have the answers to many of the questions that we ask the Universe or God deep within our souls. The true challenge often lies beneath the surface of what we see.
How do we overcome? How do we tap into the resources that are contained within our souls? We begin to dig deep. We begin to strip away every expectation that we have placed on others. No one can make you happy. No one can save you. No one can change your life. You have to do it for yourself. No one holds the key to your future.
Learning how to get to the core of our Being is what sets the wheels in motion to achieving freedom and peace of mind. It's easy to get caught up in the the things we see on a day to day with our natural eyes. It's easy to get caught up in the illusion of what happiness, peace and freedom look like. In reality those things are temporary. They come and go with each season of life. If we allow them to affect us then our emotions also change with them.
We can either learn from them, surrender to them and allow them to awaken us or we can allow them to conform us. Conforming into an image that is far from your truth is what causes us to feel that frustrating, depressing and helpless feeling of defeat. We weren't designed to conform. We weren't created to be weak and powerless. We have the ability to control what we feel, think and do. Our hands are not tied behind our backs.
When we allow our thoughts and emotions to paralyze us in fear then we are hindered by our challenges. If we can realize that what we are going through is an opportunity for transformation then we can defeat and overcome them. The choice is yours not anyone else's.
So today and everyday you have the choice. You have decisions to make that can impact your future. Living in the moment is a way to prepare yourself for the future. Instead of fearing what the future holds learn to take control of the now. Learn to live surrendered to what is and manifest what you desire with passion and power.
Nothing or no one can every free you. You have the key that unlocks your own potential. Within you lies the power to manifest amazing things. Take control and open yourself up to the possibilities.
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