I have been hurt so many times in life as have many of you. That pain lead me to become an emotional eater. I used food to heal emotions and pains that I didn't want to deal with. I used food to silence the voices in my head that told me I wasn't good enough.
I guess I thought maybe I could hide the pain, shame, and guilt under layers of fat and insecurities. If I didn't put myself out there then I couldn't be hurt. If I hid under my tough exterior then maybe I could prevent someone from getting to close to disappoint me.
I did this for many years but decided one day that I was tired of it. I was done with giving away my power to food. I was tired of letting others determine how my day went. I was tired of being a victim.
I was ready to take control of my life and be free from the turmoil and pain. I didn't want to feel ashamed or guilty anymore for the things that other people had did to me. I couldn't expect someone else to give me what they didn't have. I couldn't expect them to make me feel worthy when they didn't even know their own value.
I released the expectations I had on others. I became my priority and took responsibility for my life. My happiness was dependant on my ability to love and accept myself. It didn't matter what anyone else did or didn't do for me. It didn't matter if they loved me. I knew God loved me. I knew that the only way I could be set free was to get that truth way deep down inside.
You see many of us know truths in our heads but we haven't let them penetrate our hearts. God's word says that the issues of life flow from the heart. (Proverbs 4:23) He tells us to protect our hearts with all diligence. We may know many things. We many be able to quote biblical scripture or recite mantras. That means nothing if you don't allow it to penetrate your heart.
Some of us have been hurt so many times that we have created calluses on our hearts. We have created protective layers. We have allowed ourselves to be conformed by the circumstances in our lives. We have forced ourselves to fit a mold that we were not created to be in. We have stepped out of God's truth and accepted the lies our hurt has dictated to us. We believe that if someone didn't find us worthy then we must not be worthy.
We have allowed the pain and fear of our past distract us from the truth of who we are. We have settled for a life full of turmoil and chaos when God promised us prosperity and abundance. We have been promised strength but yet we feel weak. We have been promised the victory but yet we feel defeated.
Instead of allowing God's word to transform us we have allowed the calluses to keep us bound (Romans 12:2). We have accepted the lies because it's all we have known. We have allowed ourselves to stay in a comfort zone that is no longer comfortable but yet we have been too afraid to step out of.
How do we get out of this place of feeling pain, guilt, shame, resentment, fear and anger? How do we set OURSELVES free and walk in the fullness of God's glory. God says we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). We are the glory of God. So we have all sinned or gone against His will and functioned out of our nature. We have all struggled with living in this world and not allowing it to conform us.
The truth is the only thing that can set us free from the past. We can only truly be healed by allowing God's word to penetrate our hearts. We can't address the emotional eating without getting to the source of that emotion. It's a heart issue. We have to awaken to the truth of who we truly are in God. We have to see ourselves as God sees us and love ourselves despite our perceived "flaws".
Remember God says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are God's works. We are a reflection and manifestation of His love. If we are love than we must manifest His love in our everyday lives. We must love ourselves enough to release ourselves from the pain. We must remove the bandages and truly allow the wounds to be healed. We can't cover up the pain with food anymore. We have to set ourselves free.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Perfected In His Love
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
For so long I struggled with fear. The fear of being replaced. The fear of pain. The fear of being who I am called to be.
What a big task to take on your fears and walk in the fullness of who you are! It is not an overnight process nor does it ever end. We are always on a constant journey to know who we truly are at the depth of our core. Sure we can know where we came from and who the author of our life is but many of us struggle with knowing the power we have.
We have been conformed by the circumstances in our lives. We have been conditioned to believe that we are powerless to the forces that come against us. Where do we go? How do we continue to live with the shackles that have kept us bound for so many years? When does the pain stop and when does the fear let us breathe?
When do we stop walking through the "valley of the shadow of death" and stop fearing the "evil" that is lurking behind every corner? When does our situation start lining up with our revelation? How do we live, breathe and have our being in God but struggle with accepting ourselves? How do we manage the stress, anxiety, depression and fear and continue to walk in the joy of the Lord? How do we praise Him when we question if "HE" really exists?
All these questions are so very real to me because I had them all. I knew in my heart that God was real. I knew that He created me and designed me for His glory but I still had trouble convincing my mind of that truth. I had trouble understanding and accepting that my life was not really my life.
Everything I had experienced, felt and endured was not about me. It wasn't personal. It was KINGDOM. It was about God's calling and purpose. It was about Him doing in me a thing that had never been seen before. Does that mean that no one had encountered the things I had or that no one had experienced my kind of pain? No. It means that I was uniquely made and my life was orchestrated in such a way that was customized to my calling and purpose.
So I couldn't walk and fashion myself as others. I had to walk and breathe my own truth. I had to learn to love and accept who I was because it was wonderful. I am fearfully made in the image of God. God is a God of purpose. If He created me then I have purpose. I have a calling that is specific to a need. There are people that need to hear my story. There is a nation (group of people) that needs to be released under the sound of my voice.
The same truth is for you. We are each designed and created for a specific need. We each have a time in which we are prepared, strengthened and released. We are each uniquely and intricately designed to bring forth a word of power and hope. No one and nothing can do what you have been created to do.
A seed shall fall and spring forth a harvest when your lips profess the beauty of God's word. You have been created for such a time as this. This is not a tomorrow word or yesterday word. This is a word that shall take root in your heart now. Let it flourish and carry forth what it was called to manifest.
As we begin to set each foot in front of the other we will be perfected in God's love. We will begin to see the truth in each and every trial, circumstance and storm that has been before us. They have no power over the calling that God has placed on your life. The only truth is that you are loved....that you are created by Him...and in Him you are established.
Perfected: complete and whole: complete and lacking nothing essential
When you know that you have been designed and created by God you understand that you lack nothing. You are complete and whole. You are not broken or defeated because of your past. You are strong, powerful and ready for what you have been equipped to perform in this season.
Everything you have endured has only been a catalyst to get you to this place in your life. This place in which you are seeking your truth. This place in which you are looking for answers. Ready and surrendered to what ever it is that you need to do to walk in the fullness of your Being.
Nothing and no one can take away from what you are. You are perfect! Perfected in His love.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
A Spiritual Journey Of Healing and Weight Loss
For me this journey of weight loss is much more than a physical battle. After years of trying to find the right nutrition plan and workout routine I have finally surrendered. I have surrendered my way of thinking and doing things in order to fulfill the spiritual journey God has called me to walk.
It has nothing to do with releasing fat. It has everything to do with learning about who I am and how this spiritual world works. We often say that we need to find a balance between our body, mind and soul. What does that truly mean?
How can we take care of one and neglect the others? That is really not possible. Even if we managed to achieve a physical weight loss what condition is our spirit in? What condition is our mind in? What is really going on in our bodies?
Without getting too much into the science of weight loss and getting lost in the superficial let me try to explain something. We often cause more harm than good to our bodies when we put certain foods in them. Many of us are carrying around diseases in our bodies caused my inflammation. When the body is trying to attack something it doesn't want or recognize it becomes inflamed.
What happens is that many of us are truly not in tuned with our bodies and we shut off the sensors or voice inside of us that tell us what we should and shouldn't be eating. In the case of emotional eating we let our emotions speak louder than our hearts. In the case of diets we let our mapped out eating plan speak over our bodies true nutrition needs.
Everybody's needs are different. Our bodies are the best indicators of what is best for us not a diet book or nutritionist. Don't get me wrong I understand that many books and nutritionist often point us in the right direction but yet and still we must learn to listen to our bodies. God designed us in such a manner that we can heal ourselves. The issue comes in when we neglect that very voice that was designed to be our indicator. That little voice that says "hey I need this....my reserves our low...we are out of balance".
Now let us look at the deeper part of us. The part that is the foundation of everything we do....OUR SPIRIT! Whether some of us choose to accept it or not the truth remains the same. We are spiritual beings. That has no indication of religion. It means that we are more than this natural body. The body is only a container that holds an even greater treasure and miracle.
So neglecting that source of our existence is like trying to drive a car without a key. We can't really get anywhere. Sure we can push the car and get it moving but our actions will be labored. That is a place that many of us are in. We are trying to push that car using our own strength instead of tapping into our true source of power. This has lead many of us to become frustrated, depressed, anxious, desperate and ready to quit.
Like I said even if we achieve a weight loss pushing the car around on our own we are not truly balanced. We have neglected to take care of our spirit and so we are still left feeling tired, uninspired, depleted, depressed and insecure. This has lead many people to regain their weight or still struggle with emotions they never truly addressed.
Many of us are not overweight or sick because we love food and hate to exercise. Some of us are carrying around the weight of our emotions from past pains and experiences. We are holding onto years of fears, doubts, disappointments, anger and insecurities. We haven't let go of the weight because we haven't let go of the emotions that caused us to gain the weight in the first place.
We haven't healed from the wounds that caused us to eat emotionally or hate our bodies. Many of us dream of having a body that we love. One that we can be proud of looking in the mirror and seeing a reflection of. We have placed such a huge emphasis on the outer appearance but never fully addressed the inside turmoil.
We must learn how to first love our bodies. Love the part of us that we can not see. Love ourselves enough to heal our bodies through proper nutrition and exercise. Loving our bodies for what they look like is a false sense of confidence that will be challenged with every pound you gain. Loving your body because you know who you are beneath the layers of this superficial image is true confidence.
When you understand the beauty of who you are and what you are you will be more inspired to feed your body what it needs and not what you think it needs. You will begin to heal the relationship you have with your body and stop punishing it. You will stop neglecting it and forcing it to do things it doesn't want to do.
It is easy to get caught up in what society says is perfect and beautiful. It's easy to get sucked into believing that you are not worthy of love when you don't fit into the "ideal" body image. It's easy to be persuaded into believing that you are not worthy when someone you love has rejected or hurt you.
We allow the external things to define the internal things. We have allowed others to define us and mold us into what we think they want us to be. We so desperately seek to be loved, accepted and validated by others that we will compromise who we are to gain even an ounce of attention. We think we need others to make us feel significant in life.
We have lost our sense of self acceptance. We have lost our identity behind layers of guilt and shame. We have forgotten who we are beneath what the eyes can see. We have somehow numbed ourselves from feeling anything anymore. We move through life just trying to survive and not die from the pain of our past.
I have been there. I understand the pain, the numbness and the shame. I understand how it is to not even want to look at yourself in the mirror because you hate how you look. I know what it is to hurt so bad that you don't even want to wake up anymore. I know how it feels to be so tired of being miserable that you are willing to do what ever it takes to heal. I am there.
I can no longer put on a mask and try to hide from the truth. I can no longer be someone I am not. I am ready to fully heal. I am ready to fully awaken to my true self. I am ready to accept the power and destiny that God has called me to walk in. I am ready to free.
After years of recycling through emotions and pains I am finally ready to release them. My body has been screaming. My soul has been crying and my mind is tired. There are thing hidden so deep within me that I haven't even touched yet. Pains hidden so deep within that only the hands of God can reach.
I have decided to start a new journey. One that is not limited by time nor space. I am embarking on a new journey that will finally open up parts of me that I never knew existed.
My body is His temple so I will worship Him. I will humble myself and seek His kingdom. I will glorify Him because He is King. He is the source of my existence therefore I fully surrender myself to Him.
It has nothing to do with releasing fat. It has everything to do with learning about who I am and how this spiritual world works. We often say that we need to find a balance between our body, mind and soul. What does that truly mean?
How can we take care of one and neglect the others? That is really not possible. Even if we managed to achieve a physical weight loss what condition is our spirit in? What condition is our mind in? What is really going on in our bodies?
Without getting too much into the science of weight loss and getting lost in the superficial let me try to explain something. We often cause more harm than good to our bodies when we put certain foods in them. Many of us are carrying around diseases in our bodies caused my inflammation. When the body is trying to attack something it doesn't want or recognize it becomes inflamed.
What happens is that many of us are truly not in tuned with our bodies and we shut off the sensors or voice inside of us that tell us what we should and shouldn't be eating. In the case of emotional eating we let our emotions speak louder than our hearts. In the case of diets we let our mapped out eating plan speak over our bodies true nutrition needs.
Everybody's needs are different. Our bodies are the best indicators of what is best for us not a diet book or nutritionist. Don't get me wrong I understand that many books and nutritionist often point us in the right direction but yet and still we must learn to listen to our bodies. God designed us in such a manner that we can heal ourselves. The issue comes in when we neglect that very voice that was designed to be our indicator. That little voice that says "hey I need this....my reserves our low...we are out of balance".
Now let us look at the deeper part of us. The part that is the foundation of everything we do....OUR SPIRIT! Whether some of us choose to accept it or not the truth remains the same. We are spiritual beings. That has no indication of religion. It means that we are more than this natural body. The body is only a container that holds an even greater treasure and miracle.
So neglecting that source of our existence is like trying to drive a car without a key. We can't really get anywhere. Sure we can push the car and get it moving but our actions will be labored. That is a place that many of us are in. We are trying to push that car using our own strength instead of tapping into our true source of power. This has lead many of us to become frustrated, depressed, anxious, desperate and ready to quit.
Like I said even if we achieve a weight loss pushing the car around on our own we are not truly balanced. We have neglected to take care of our spirit and so we are still left feeling tired, uninspired, depleted, depressed and insecure. This has lead many people to regain their weight or still struggle with emotions they never truly addressed.
Many of us are not overweight or sick because we love food and hate to exercise. Some of us are carrying around the weight of our emotions from past pains and experiences. We are holding onto years of fears, doubts, disappointments, anger and insecurities. We haven't let go of the weight because we haven't let go of the emotions that caused us to gain the weight in the first place.
We haven't healed from the wounds that caused us to eat emotionally or hate our bodies. Many of us dream of having a body that we love. One that we can be proud of looking in the mirror and seeing a reflection of. We have placed such a huge emphasis on the outer appearance but never fully addressed the inside turmoil.
We must learn how to first love our bodies. Love the part of us that we can not see. Love ourselves enough to heal our bodies through proper nutrition and exercise. Loving our bodies for what they look like is a false sense of confidence that will be challenged with every pound you gain. Loving your body because you know who you are beneath the layers of this superficial image is true confidence.
When you understand the beauty of who you are and what you are you will be more inspired to feed your body what it needs and not what you think it needs. You will begin to heal the relationship you have with your body and stop punishing it. You will stop neglecting it and forcing it to do things it doesn't want to do.
It is easy to get caught up in what society says is perfect and beautiful. It's easy to get sucked into believing that you are not worthy of love when you don't fit into the "ideal" body image. It's easy to be persuaded into believing that you are not worthy when someone you love has rejected or hurt you.
We allow the external things to define the internal things. We have allowed others to define us and mold us into what we think they want us to be. We so desperately seek to be loved, accepted and validated by others that we will compromise who we are to gain even an ounce of attention. We think we need others to make us feel significant in life.
We have lost our sense of self acceptance. We have lost our identity behind layers of guilt and shame. We have forgotten who we are beneath what the eyes can see. We have somehow numbed ourselves from feeling anything anymore. We move through life just trying to survive and not die from the pain of our past.
I have been there. I understand the pain, the numbness and the shame. I understand how it is to not even want to look at yourself in the mirror because you hate how you look. I know what it is to hurt so bad that you don't even want to wake up anymore. I know how it feels to be so tired of being miserable that you are willing to do what ever it takes to heal. I am there.
I can no longer put on a mask and try to hide from the truth. I can no longer be someone I am not. I am ready to fully heal. I am ready to fully awaken to my true self. I am ready to accept the power and destiny that God has called me to walk in. I am ready to free.
After years of recycling through emotions and pains I am finally ready to release them. My body has been screaming. My soul has been crying and my mind is tired. There are thing hidden so deep within me that I haven't even touched yet. Pains hidden so deep within that only the hands of God can reach.
I have decided to start a new journey. One that is not limited by time nor space. I am embarking on a new journey that will finally open up parts of me that I never knew existed.
"But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him."
1 Corinthians 2:9I am seeking God. Consecrating myself in this sacred place. Allowing His living water....purifying word...to heal me. My mind, soul and body are dedicated to His service. I am preparing myself to walk in the fullness of what HE has prepared for me. This is no longer about my own selfish needs. This is about Him being glorified through me.
My body is His temple so I will worship Him. I will humble myself and seek His kingdom. I will glorify Him because He is King. He is the source of my existence therefore I fully surrender myself to Him.
"......In Him I live, move and have my being......."
Acts 17:28
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Discipline: You Can Do It!
"For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7Discipline is defined as a controlled behavior or order. God's word says that He has given us a sound mind. A sound mind is one that is controlled. It is not tossed about to and from with every storm and wind. It is one that is fixed on the prize...the goal...the dream....the vision.
It takes discipline to accomplish your goals and dreams. I often hear people say that losing weight takes willpower. What does that mean? It means you must have the will to power through no matter what adversity comes before you. That to me sounds like discipline. Something that we all possess.
Instead of looking externally for the answers to our questions we often just need to learn to trust ourselves again. To believe in our abilities to carry out the mission we have accepted. Whether it is to live a healthier life or lose weight we must see the challenge through.
Sure there will be days when it's tough. They might be days when we want to give up but remember that you have been equipped to see it through. You have what it takes to achieve your dreams and accomplish your goals.
With each opposition and adversity we are given an opportunity to strengthen our discipline, refocus our minds and prove to ourselves just how amazing we truly are. We will never know the truth that lies within us if we are not willing to power through the challenges. Trust yourself and know that you are able as long as you are willing. :)
Our Greatest Fear —Marianne Williamson
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of
God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
—Marianne Williamson
Monday, September 17, 2012
I Can ONLY Be Me
"I can never deny where it all started and what motivated me to make a change. The minute I think I don't need it to keep me inspired is the moment that I fall back into the old me". ~Me. #getbacktothetruth #neverforget #don'tconform
Temple Fitness's mission is to help inspire and motivate people to live their best lives through educating them about fitness and nutritional as well as mental and spiritual health. Although God in my life I don't exclude non believers from my mission. I believe we are all equal and I am not limited by my beliefs.
Many would consider me a Christian but like I have said in a previous post I don't like labels. Not because I want to deny what I am or because I am ashamed of what I believe in but because labels tend to define and put people in boxes. I love God and give Him all the glory for who and what I am. I thank Him for and acknowledge His grace in my life because I know what I could have been without Him.
Believing in God doesn't mean I am defined nor limited by any religious beliefs. It just means that I acknowledge the source of my existence and have a strong relationship with it. I know that my faith and belief in God has been my source of strength.
I don't believe God is a separate entity from myself. I believe that God lives within me and that everything He says I can do..I will do! The battle I fight everyday is bringing my body and mind under subjection to that spirit. I must break free from the stereotypes and limitation I have placed on myself. I must transform my mind daily and renew my spirit by refreshing it in the truth of God's word.
I am by no means religious. What I mean by that is that I don't defend my beliefs as being the only truths in life. Many Christians would have a hard time understanding that and say that I am not a Christian. That is the same reason I don't place that label on myself in the first place. I am not saying that I don't believe in the truths I have been taught but I have some issues with ideologies.
Without diving further into that discussion I just want to speak my truth. I live a truth that leads me to a peace within my own heart. In no way do I try to offend anyone's beliefs nor do I try to convince anyone of my beliefs or truths. My mission in life is to live my own truth and share it with who ever God puts in my path to hear it. If it rings truth to them or points them in the direction of their own truth then my job is done.
Just as I can't make anyone eat healthier and lift weights neither can I make anyone conform to my beliefs. In saying all this I just wanted to express how I am feeling at this moment. I initially started my Facebook page with the intent to share nutrition and fitness information but soon my spirit took over. I started leaning more towards what my heart was saying and not just my mind.
I noticed that I may have lost some followers but I am okay with that. I am not trying to save the world. I am simply trying to make my world and others lives a little better by sharing my dreams and passions. I can never neglect, compromise or forget who I am to please others. That would be like putting a cap on my potential.
I know I was created for something greater than I even thought for myself. Not because I am more special than anyone else but because my heart is open and surrendered. I don't have a set agenda. I have a purpose.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Be Open
There will always be curves, dips, hills and what seem to be impossible mountains to climb during your journey through life. Those things can't define you nor can they hinder you from being who you are nor reaching your goals. They are only temporary challenges that often come before you to show you how strong you are. They awaken you to the deeper level of your existence. Focusing on the negative aspects of these roadblocks only will keep you beneath the weight of them.
Learning to overcome them takes a mental strength that many don't possess. Not because they don't have the ability to have it but because they have became so defined by the adversity in their lives that they don't know anything else. They have associated their lives with being challenging, chaotic, full of adversity and strife. The thought of stepping into a different territory is often scary to them.
Although they desire to break free from the limitations they have placed on themselves they don't really understand that they hold the key that unlocks that door. We are not defenseless nor hopeless in our lives. We have the power to overcome and conquer what ever we face in life. We have the answers to many of the questions that we ask the Universe or God deep within our souls. The true challenge often lies beneath the surface of what we see.
How do we overcome? How do we tap into the resources that are contained within our souls? We begin to dig deep. We begin to strip away every expectation that we have placed on others. No one can make you happy. No one can save you. No one can change your life. You have to do it for yourself. No one holds the key to your future.
Learning how to get to the core of our Being is what sets the wheels in motion to achieving freedom and peace of mind. It's easy to get caught up in the world.....in the things we see on a day to day with our natural eyes. It's easy to get caught up in the illusion of what happiness, peace and freedom look like. In reality those things are temporary. They come and go with each season of life. If we allow them to affect us then our emotions also change with them.
We can either learn from them, surrender to them and allow them to awaken us or we can allow them to conform us. Conforming into an image that is far from your truth is what causes us to feel that frustrating, depressing and helpless feeling of defeat. We weren't designed to conform. We weren't created to be weak and powerless. We have the ability to control what we feel, think and do. Our hands are not tied behind our backs.
When we allow our thoughts and emotions to paralyze us in fear then we are hindered by our challenges. If we can realize that what we are going through is an opportunity for transformation then we can defeat and overcome them. The choice is yours not anyone else's.
So today and everyday you have the choice. You have decisions to make that can impact your future. Living in the moment is a way to prepare yourself for the future. Instead of fearing what the future holds learn to take control of the now. Learn to live surrendered to what is and manifest what you desire with passion and power.
Nothing or no one can every free you. You have the key that unlocks your own potential. Within you lies the power to manifest amazing things. Take control and open yourself up to the possibilities.
Learning to overcome them takes a mental strength that many don't possess. Not because they don't have the ability to have it but because they have became so defined by the adversity in their lives that they don't know anything else. They have associated their lives with being challenging, chaotic, full of adversity and strife. The thought of stepping into a different territory is often scary to them.
Although they desire to break free from the limitations they have placed on themselves they don't really understand that they hold the key that unlocks that door. We are not defenseless nor hopeless in our lives. We have the power to overcome and conquer what ever we face in life. We have the answers to many of the questions that we ask the Universe or God deep within our souls. The true challenge often lies beneath the surface of what we see.
How do we overcome? How do we tap into the resources that are contained within our souls? We begin to dig deep. We begin to strip away every expectation that we have placed on others. No one can make you happy. No one can save you. No one can change your life. You have to do it for yourself. No one holds the key to your future.
Learning how to get to the core of our Being is what sets the wheels in motion to achieving freedom and peace of mind. It's easy to get caught up in the world.....in the things we see on a day to day with our natural eyes. It's easy to get caught up in the illusion of what happiness, peace and freedom look like. In reality those things are temporary. They come and go with each season of life. If we allow them to affect us then our emotions also change with them.
We can either learn from them, surrender to them and allow them to awaken us or we can allow them to conform us. Conforming into an image that is far from your truth is what causes us to feel that frustrating, depressing and helpless feeling of defeat. We weren't designed to conform. We weren't created to be weak and powerless. We have the ability to control what we feel, think and do. Our hands are not tied behind our backs.
When we allow our thoughts and emotions to paralyze us in fear then we are hindered by our challenges. If we can realize that what we are going through is an opportunity for transformation then we can defeat and overcome them. The choice is yours not anyone else's.
So today and everyday you have the choice. You have decisions to make that can impact your future. Living in the moment is a way to prepare yourself for the future. Instead of fearing what the future holds learn to take control of the now. Learn to live surrendered to what is and manifest what you desire with passion and power.
Nothing or no one can every free you. You have the key that unlocks your own potential. Within you lies the power to manifest amazing things. Take control and open yourself up to the possibilities.
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