Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Starting My Journey Again

Let me just keep it real. I am not perfect. I am sure you all know that but I don't know that. :) Of course I know I am not without flaws but I always try to have everything together. I strive on being well organized and being in control of things in my life. Well the last few months have really taken me for a loop. I have had to juggle being a mom, taking care of my mom, working a fulltime job, and starting up my personal training business.

The last few months have been nothing short of CRAZY. I knew that if I didn't get a grip and start finding a way to fit in ME time I was going to get burned out. So like I mentioned in my recent post I hired my cousin to help me reach my personal fitness goals.

I was not able to start the program last week like I had planned because I got sick. I didn't want to further run down my immune system so I took it easy. I did try to eat as clean as I could but I didn't workout. I actually learned something amazing. You can lose weight by just eating clean....LOL! I know that is not rocket science and I preach it all the time but I came to my own realization this week.

I weighed myself this moring and lost 5lbs so far. That has been the missing key in my journey. Being consistent with my food and not just trying but actually doing. I can't say I am going to try to eat clean. I must do it. So I know the only way to get this done is to be prepared. Being prepared by having my meals ready to grab n go and eat will ensure I am staying on track.

I also found time to work out by mapping out days and fitting myself into the open slots. I know this may seem extreme to some but the only way to succeed is to plan. Have you ever heard the saying "If you fail to plan to fail"? Well I don't want to fail so I am planning for success.

I have always wanted to inspire and motivate others to live their best life. I know many of us are busy with life but not truly LIVING. We get caught up in the day to day responsibilities and wake up one day and realize we lost ourselves. We failed to pursue our dreams and walk in the fullness of God.

I decided to do this for all the women that put themselves last. For those of you that nurture the dreams of others but let yours die. I want to prove that you can still be a busy mom and accomplish your goals as well. With a lot of work and faith anything is possible.

I will be documenting my journey as much as I can so you can see how I manuever my way through this new path I am on. I know I will reach my goals this time because my mind is set on success and I am not backing down.

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