Friday, March 29, 2013

Getting It Done

Monday was my lower body day and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. This programs circuits are actually easier than my programs circuits. The only hard part is getting the cardio done. I haven't had the time to do AM cardio sessions because of my schedule. I tried to do all cardio at night but I am super exhausted and only do 30 min instead of 75 minutes.

Tuesday was upperbody and it was pretty intense since I have to do 20 reps of each exercise back to back. I tried to fit my workout in before my 8:30pm client and managed to finish right on time. Then I completed 20 minutes of high intensity cardio right after my client. I didn't leave the gym til 10pm. I am really slacking on the cardio part but it will get better.

My eating has been spot on. I did eat dinner late last night because of my schedule but it was just fish and spinach salad so it was light enough to eat right before bed. I actually feel really good but almost had a break down yesterday after I made my daughter some stuffed crust pizza. I wanted some so bad but fought it. I did have a tiny slice which is not on my plan. I am still proud of myself though because I would have normally devoured about 5 large pieces. :)

I had a thought last night while driving home from the gym. I tend to get really overwhelmed when I have a lot on my plate. I get into the mentality that if it's too hard I can't do it. I also prepare myself to fail before I even start. I almost skipped my cardio last night because it was already late and I knew I had to be back at the gym at 6am for my client. BUT I pushed through it. I said "How bad to you want this?" I realized that I can't have an old way of thinking and expect new results.

"You must first learn a new way of thinking before you master a new way to be". ~Marianne Williamson.

I decided to shift my way of thinking. I have to think like an athlete. They put in hours and hours to achieve the results they have. They do what ever they have to do to accomplish their goals. So if my schedule requires me to be in the gym late at night I will do it without a thought. I can't automatically think that I am going to get run down and sick like I always do. My mentality has a lot to do with the outcome of my situation.

I also realized that I have to remember who is fueling me through this journey and what my motivation is. I can't lose sight of my goal. If my eyes stay on the prize I won't get distracted with the cares of the world. My goal is to be FIT FOR THE KINGDOM. I want to inspire others to be their best.

God's word says " But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." according to Matthew 6:33. This means that I must do this for God and seek to be in right standing with Him. As I bring my body under subjection (in alignment...discipline...obedience) with the spirit I will reach my goals.

As I continue to take steps of faith towards my goal God will add success in my life. He will empower me with His grace, strength, and wisdom. I will fulfill my goals, dreams and desires because I am powered by His spirit.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Matthew 19:26

All things are possible when we rest in God and trust in His perfect plan for our lives. Therefore I surrender and allow His spirit to carry me to the finish line. This is His body and I will glorify Him with it.

"For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."
1 Corinthians 6:20

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