Saturday, January 5, 2013

It's Finished

But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5

When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up his spirit.
John 19:30

The price has already been paid. We don't have to struggle with addictions, illness and pains. God gave up His son to take our place and pay the ultimate sacrifice.

God's word says that obedience is greater than sacrifice. Many of us see our adversities and issues in our lives as sacrifices. We see our healthy lifestyles as sacrifices because we have to give up things we love.

Instead of obeying God and surrendering to His spirit we fight against it. We drown out His voice as we fill our lives with things that give us temporary pleasure.

God promised us that it was finished. Everything we dream and hope for. All the things that God has spoken to us..they are finished. The price has been paid.

We can walk in freedom now. We can walk in healing how. We can walk in joy now. Power now. Love now. Abundance now. Peace now.

We don't have to struggle trying to  make things happen when it has been finished.

We must learn to walk in obedience....bringing our bodies and minds under subjection to the spirit. Walking in the perfect will of the Father and giving Him the glory.

Today as you walk out this calling God has placed on your life I pray that you would continue to align yourself with God. That you would understand His sovereign plan for your life and live by faith...trusting and believing in His promises.

That you may come to know the fullness of His glory. That you would awaken to your true identity in God. That you would remove the limits, labels, and masks and walk authentic to your purpose. Knowing that who you are inside is greater than anything you could ever come against.

Surrendering your will and walking the will of the one that created you. Living the abundant and prosperous life Christ died to give you. One that is filled with good health, love, peace and hope.


  1. Hallelujah!!! That was incredibly powerful for me to absorb today. I too often consider giving up what, and how much, I want to eat or do a sacrifice. But I really want to become eager to give those things up and make room for God! I'm in this process to grow closer to Him, so my focus needs to change in this area. Thanks for those words!


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