A little over 2 years ago I embarked on a journey to change my life. While I had tried several times before to lose weight it wasn't til recently that I decided to get serious about my health. For many years I tried diet after diet and managed to lose a few pounds and then gain it back. I have been on this weight loss journey for a long time now.
In the beginning I was only doing it for myself. I wanted to look better and feel better about myself. I thought that if I lost enough weight I could gain back the affection of my husband or I could find new love. Maybe I could even learn to love myself.
As the years went by I began to learn more and more about nutrition and exercise. I learned about my body and how it works and why certain foods and exercises are more beneficial than others. Basically I learned about the science and mechanics of weight loss.
Although I had a bunch of head knowledge something wasn't clicking in my life. I thought I knew all that I needed to know about how to lose weight but I wasn't losing it. I wasn't being consistent enough to see the changes I wanted to see in my body.
I later realized that I was focusing too much on the physical and not enough on the emotional and spiritual part. It's true that the combination of eating well and exercise is the key to not only weight loss but creating a healthy body in general but it doesn't stop there. Honestly it doesn't even begin there. Food and exercise are only band aids that cover up so much more.
As some of you know from my previous posts I am not just passionate about fitness and nutrition but I believe in spiritual and mental well being as well. Along this journey I have came to discover many amazing truths about not only myself but life in general. Those truths have helped free me from the things that caused me to gain weight in the first place.
Healing those emotional parts of me has been one of the most amazing parts of this journey. While lifting weights and exercising can help you feel strong exercising who you are in the spirit is even more empowering. When you begin to awaken that potential inside of you nothing can stop that. Nothing can come in between who you are and what you were called to do. It's like a magnetic field that pulls at your very core.
I believe we were all created with a certain plan and purpose. Everything we are and have been through is a part of that plan. We learn from the journey we take. No matter where you have been and what you have done it serves a purpose. The experiences in our lives often become the fuel that drives us to pursue the passions we have burning deep down in our souls.
We are not fully functioning at our capacity until we can learn to accept that we are perfect just as we are. Many of us strive to be more, do more and achieve more but yet miss the truth of who we are. We miss the meaning of the doing. We miss the value of the things we obtain because we become defined by them. We become wrapped up in a world that is ever changing and so we are never satisfied with who we perceive ourselves to be.
As we begin to strip away the layers of our "false" identity that we have established in possessions and circumstances we can begin to move and function in an effortless and unlimited realm. Soon what you did becomes who you are. You no longer strive to be healthy.....you are healthy. You no longer strive to be successful.....you are successful. We must be formless.....willing to change and move with each stage of life.
We can't hold onto what we are and reach what we want to be. Essentially we are spirit and spirit has no boundaries...it has no form. Like the word of God says "be ye not conformed into the image of this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind". We are not supposed to force ourselves to fit a mold, an ideal or stereotype. We are not bound or limited by our circumstances or past. We are transformed as we awaken to our true nature.
Our true nature is who God created us to be. This is not a religious ideology. This is not limited to your religious beliefs. When I write this blog I am not coming from a "Christian" perspective. I am coming from an awaken state. From a place of spiritual maturity because I have discovered these truths in my own life. I quote scriptures simply as a way to confirm what I believe in. I can't defend any religious beliefs I can only speak from the depth of my own spirit.
We must all walk out and live our own truths. That is the only way to live the fullest life we have been created to live. We are not to live in a world that someone else created for us. We are to create our own reality as we begin to awaken and accept our own truths. We have all been equipped for what ever plan God has created for our lives. We are not here on this Earth merely existing or taking up space. We have an assignment.
Understanding these truths has driven me along my journey. It has helped me uncover who I am and what I want to do with this life God has given me. I am passionate about empowering others and helping them awaken to their own truth so they can live the life they were created to live.
I have had my own struggles with fears, doubts and insecurities. I have spent years battling my own obesity issues and struggled with emotional eating. I came from a place of wanting to end my own life but now I am excited to live and help others live. I am passionate about discovering my own strengthens so that I can impart that wisdom and power into others.
My dream for many years has been to be personal trainer and health coach. I was always fearful of stepping into that profession because I didn't think I was good enough. I was always insecure about how I looked, what others thought of me and how I would be judged. I was afraid to fail at something that was new to me.
I have slept for too many years. I have kept my dreams hidden for too long. I finally decided to step out and put my faith in action. God spoke to me one day and said "you may not be perfect in the eyes of the world but you are perfect in my eyes....you are perfect for the plans I have for you....I have created you and equipped you to fulfill my will".
Understanding that truth is what gave me the confidence to finally pursue my passion. I am confident that the good work God created in me He will finish. I know that everything I have gone through, every struggle, question, disappointment, triumph and ounce of knowledge was all for the Kingdom of God.
God says seek you first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. My hearts desire is to serve God and His people. I didn't pursue personal training to make money. I am in this because it is my calling. It's not about the physical aspect of training the body but rather helping people transform their lives through faith, fitness and nutrition. It's about helping them see their potential and discover their own truths.
I want to empower people through educating them and sharing my own story and struggles with them. I feel that you can train anyone to be a health coach or personal trainer but you can't teach them how to minister to someone's heart. You can't teach them how to be sensitive to someone's spirit and tap into their needs. That is my desire. Although I was hired to work at a gym I know who I am training for. I am God's trainer. I am merely the vessel being used to bring Him glory.
I have had to close many chapters in my life and make peace with several situations in order to start this new chapter in my life. For those of you that have read my other posts you know what I am talking about. For those that know me personally you know how far I have come to reach this place in my life. For many this may seem like just a job but for me it is validation and a great reward after enduring several years of pain and disappointment. It is as if God is smiling over me and saying "well done my good and faithful servant".
"His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things: enter into the joy of your lord." Matthew 25:23
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