Monday, October 8, 2012

My Opinion

*Stepping on my soap box*

I felt the need to voice my opinion about a subject that I have seen pop up a lot lately. I have seen Christians or believers try to defend their beliefs on sexuality and faith. Yes, I understand that God created us and that we are sexual by nature but to the service of who?

I believe that sexuality is to be expressed between two consenting adults. It is a gift that was given to us to share with our mates and not the world. I don't agree with using our sexuality to show off our bodies or make money.

My body was created for God's glory. I am to treat it as a sacred temple. I feel that using it to make myself feel good and showing it off in a sexual way to the world does not stay within those parameters. I have a problem with people using God's name to pursue their own guilty pleasures.

I have seen people say that posing in a sexual way or nude is a form of art. Okay I understand that but when you are sharing it for others to see that kind of crosses a line for me. It is truly all about the intention of ones heart that God is concerned with. I am not here to judge anyone for their choices. I just feel the need to express my opinion about the matter.

My beliefs were confirmed when I watched a video today by Fitness Model Jamie Eason. I love how she was so transparent and vulnerable with the world. She shared how she knew what she was doing was not right but she did it anyways. Now she is paying the price for the decisions she made. (Go here to check out her video about the subject.)

She shared how she realized that she was being viewed by several different eyes and each one had a different interpretation of her work. Some people that were struggling with sex addictions were looking at her pictures and it was fueling their illness. She didn't want to be perceived in that light. She understood that she had to take responsibility for the images she was portraying.

With all that being said I just wanted to share my opinion because while I do admire the physics often displayed in some of those fitness photos I also understand the impact they can have. We are not responsible for what others feel or think  but we are responsible for the image we project. I wouldn't want to be a person that fuels unhealthy thoughts or perceptions that are associated with over sexualized images.

I have came across some people who defend the use of nudity and risque photos and try to use the "God Approved" stamp on it. They do their best to justify their actions as being pure but yet in still make comments that reveal the true intent of their hearts. I can't support that. I have to stand for what my heart believes is true. After all life is an issue of the heart.

I think we must examine our hearts before we make decisions. Does the action glorify God our your flesh? What is the intention behind the action? We have to be willing to be honest and vulernable in order to be pure with our actions. Would God smile upon your decision? Be real with yourself. Would you be comfortable with Him watching you.....because He is!

"Test me, O LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind;" Psalms 26:2

What are you views on this subject?

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I completely agree. As a Christian and fitness business owner, I do my very best to motivate others to care for their bodies, but at the same time limit showing skin in order to prove results. I don't need to do that. While I may flex my arm muscles, you won't find me in a bikini showing off my rock hard abs. ;). Not because I judge those who do, but because I have chosen to respect my faith as well as my marriage. He is the only one who gets to see me in my full glory ;). Love this! Thanks for sharing!


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