Monday, August 27, 2012

Let Me Share My Heart

This journey has been so personal for me. On the outside I am trying to get healthy and fit. On the inside I am conquering self defeating thoughts and emotions. I didn't become 245 lbs because I loved food and hated working out. I lost control when I allowed the outside world to get inside me.

I allowed my trials to take control of my life. I allowed the failures, rejections and pain to define me. I used food to numb myself and hide from what I thought was a cruel and scary world. I dreamt of breaking free. I fantasized about what it would be like to love myself.

There were days when the pain was so intense and the fears were so unbearable that I wanted to become invisible. I wanted to disappear from this world. Year after year I became more and more submersed in my dark little world. I put on masks to hide what I was truly feeling from the world.

Although people thought I was strong and happy. I was falling a part on the inside. I hid the thoughts of suicide and depression beneath layers of fat. I didn't want to draw attention. I didn't think I was good enough to be loved or acknowledged. My self worth was wrapped up in what others thought and did to me.

If I was being rejected then why should I accept myself? If I was not worthy to be loved by others then why should I love myself?

Then one day I decided that I had to take control of my own life. No one else could love me and accept me if I couldn't love and accept myself. No one could make me happy and turn my dreams into reality. I had to make them happen on my own. I had to learn how to make myself happy.

That is when I started doing a lot of soul searching. I remember asking God to show me who I was. I didn't understand how someone like me could be so significant when everyone I had ever loved had turned their backs on me. Why was I worthy of life? Why was I still alive after going through so much?

The questions where answered when I allowed my heart to speak. The wounds began to heal when I allowed the truth...the spirit to speak louder than my emotions. I had to learn how to quiet my mind and be still in what seemed to be an emptiness that only my tears could fill.

For years I cried over the pain. I allowed the circumstances of my life to define me. I became a supporting role in the story of my life. I let others dictate my happiness, self worth and dreams. Then one day I woke up and decided to take the lead role.

I became aware of my worth. I began to strip away every label I had placed on myself. I realized that I was not a helpless victim. I was a powerful and strong woman that didn't have to settle. I had the power to overcome every thought and every emotion and bring it under subjection to the spirit.

I was free because I was loved by God. I didn't need anyone elses approval in order to step forward and walk towards my destiny. I could do it on my own. I didn't need someone to validate me and tell me what I was worth. I was everything that God wanted me to be. I was prepared and equipped to fulfill my role in this world.

When I became aware of my true identity I then began to make the necessary adjustments to my life in order to reach my goals. I say adjustments because I learned how to adapt to my circumstances. Some things that I wanted to change couldn't be changed until I was ready for them. I had to learn to live in harmony with my life. I had to learn to allow God to take control of my life. I had to learn how to walk by faith.

I believe that their is a time and place for everything. While we are busy making plans for our lives God is fulfilling His will. We can't work against the flow of life. We have to learn how to stay surrendered and open. We have to be willing to adapt and change when the seasons come.

Those are things that were so hard for me because I always wanted to be in control. I felt that if I had things under MY control then I could avoid being hurt and disappointed. I wouldn't put myself in situations that might allow me to fail. I wouldn't take risks. Honestly, I wasn't really living. I was just trying to survive.

Funny how I tried to control my own life but yet I was so out of control. My weight, my health, my finances and my relationships were all falling apart. When I decided to surrender that is when I began to truly gain control. I was able to gain control of my emotions which once held me captive. What once had me bound is the key that set me free.

I now understand that the struggle is what unlocked my passion, my identity, my dreams and my desires. I wouldn't have understood how powerful I truly am unless I endured something that challenged me. Every adversity we face creates an opportunity. What we choose to do with the opportunity is up to us. We can allow it to define up, bind us and limit us. Or we can use it to strengthen us, awaken us and set us free.

What are you doing with your opportunities?

Friday, August 24, 2012

Diet Food

One of the things that really bothers me the most about diets is the concept that you can eat whatever you want as long as you stay within your calorie range. Well most of us don't know what our calorie range is. Many think the less they eat the more weight they will lose. Then you have others that think that they can eat processed prepackaged diet foods like Lean Cuisines, Low Fat or Reduced Fat crackers and cookies.

I am not really mad at the people that eat them because most are unaware and uneducated when it comes to proper nutrition. It's no surprise that many are walking around with the illusion that eating this way will help them achieve their dream physique.

Billions are spent on advertising this food as the end all to the battle of the bulge. We are manipulated into believing that eating a magic energy bar, taking a diet pill and drastically limiting our calories is what it takes to reach our desired destination. So companies scramble to come up with new and improved ways to get you there.

If they can paint the illusion that you will lose weight fast and get into that bikini by summer you will fork over your hard earned cash to see it happen. What's really sad is that we are uneducated consumers and with all our good intentions we buy into the mumbo jumbo.

We buy into the fad diets, prepackaged processed diet foods, and magic potions. Although many of us will achieve results many underlying issues are involved. For one eating in this manner will not make us healthy. If skinny is your desired goal then go ahead and buy into the illusion. If being healthy and fit is your goal then walk away fast.

Not only will these diets deliver temporary results but they will also wreck havoc on your body. Without getting too much into the details many of these foods and diets pills contain harmful chemicals that can have a drastic affect on your health. Why are we eating "food" with chemicals that we can't even pronounce? How many of us know that those chemicals are also found in household cleaning products, cosmetics and other industrial products. Why on Earth would you want to put that into your body?

Restricting calories can get you skinny but it won't get you fit. Have you ever heard of skinny fat? Yep that is what happens when you drastically reduce your calories. Your body will let go of muscle before it releases fat. That leaves you with a saggy skinny physique. You might be able to fit into a size 6 but don't even think of putting on a bathing suit.

Muscle require more calories to sustain so in order for the body to survive on the limited calories it lets go of this calorie guzzler. BUT on the flip side the more lean muscle mass you have on your body the more calories you burn. That is why it is important to eat enough healthy calories and incorporate resistance training into your weight loss program. This will ultimately give you the lean fit physique many of us strive to have.

I don't think I need to spend much time trying to convince you why diet pills and potions are wrong. Many of us know they have risks but still we buy them. Why? Because we are looking for quick fixes. I know I have been there. I have taken diet pills and drank magic potions in the hopes of dropping weight. I experienced horrible things after consuming them to the point where I felt I was on the verge of death.

I write all this to say that in order to achieve a healthy life long weight loss we can't depend on the weight loss industry to help us. We have to become educated consumers. We have to research what those difficult to pronounce chemicals are in your Low Fat Campbell's soup. I know that packaged foods are convenient but in reality they are also lazy. I am not trying to step on anyone's toes here but I am trying to get you to understand something.

Being healthy is work. You can't expect to fly by eating crap disguised as health food. You have to take the time to prepare your own meals. I am a single working mom. I don't have millions of dollars (yet;) stacked up in my bank account. I do what I can with what I have. Whether it be with a limited budget or a limited schedule.

I make the time to get healthy. If it means I have to get up off the couch and get in the kitchen to prepare my meals for the week on my off day then I do it. If it means getting up 30 minutes earlier to prepare my lunch for work then I make it happen. Convenience won't get you anywhere except for sick and overweight.

Yep I said it! In order to nail down this healthy lifestyle you have to be honest with yourself. Do you think those people you google over in the fitness magazines got that way from sitting on the couch wishing or eating Lean Cuisines? NOPE! And you aren't going to get there either.

If you really want to achieve a healthy fit body you have to put in the work and the effort. It won't always be easy and it won't always be what you want to do but believe me that it will be worth it. If you commit yourself to being consistent then one day it will all be second nature to you. You will glide through it with ease and enjoy doing it.

I often thank God for my healthy lifestyle and for the dedication that it takes to be healthy and fit. I may not be at my goal weight yet or have the body I aspire to have but everyday I try my best to put in the effort to get there. I enjoy eating healthy and making my meals. I love going for a long run and releasing my fears with every step I take.

It is a journey. One worth taking. The first step in the journey is realizing that you are worth it. Knowing that you are worth the effort it takes to prepare your own meals and exercise will help in keeping you committed. For me I thought it was selfish to make time for myself. I thought I was taking time away from my daughter. In reality I was giving her time because I was adding years to my life. Taking 1 hour to workout or prepare your meals can add years to your life. Not only in quantity but in quality.

Another excuse that many people use when it comes to healthy food is "I might as well eat what I want because I am going to die one day anyways". Sure, we are all going to die one day. Even the healthiest person has his/her day. But it's all about the quality of life that you are adding to your living days. Are you struggling with heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, cancer, diabetes or another life altering diseases?

You don't have to live that way. I would rather have 10 years of healthy vibrant life than 20 of debilitating disease. It's about adding life to your years not just years to your life. Everyone will have their day but why not make the most of the days you do have on this Earth. Why not live your healthiest best life? That is what you were created to an abundant life.

So what is keeping you from being your best? From living healthy? From being happy? From loving yourself enough to make a change? I am here for you. Let me know if I can assist you in starting that journey. You are only a step away from living your best life. :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Why Temple Fitness?

I can never deny where I came from and where the journey began. My weight loss and healthy lifestyle journey began after struggling with my weight for several years. I decided to make some changes after coming to the realization that I was the Temple of God. "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own" 1 Corinthians 6:19.

While I don't claim to be religious I am faithful to my beliefs. I lean more towards the spiritual side of life and honor my commitment to God. I acknowledge His presence in my life and do my best to live true to myself.

So Temple Fitness is my way of honoring my beliefs while trying to lose weight, stay healthy and be fit. It's about a total body, mind and soul transformation. You can't take care of one and not the other.

This blog is in no way religious nor does it exclude anyone from reading it. I welcome everyone to read, share, and be a part of this blog. Temple Fitness is about helping others achieve their best lives by becoming more conscious of their identity and learning to love themselves. It is about learning about your body, mind and soul and learning how to take care of them.

My hopes and dreams are that Temple Fitness would be the platform from which dreams and goals are reached. While there are many diet and workout routines on the market this is not one of them. I understand that transformation starts from within.

You can't address the weight until you acknowledge how it got there. Many of us don't struggle with our weight because we just love food and don't like to exercise. Some of us have much more deep rooted issues. We use food to numb us, hide us and satisfy us. We use food as a drug or therapy.

While I have not went to school to learn this I have learned enough from my own experiences to share and inspire others. I would hope that you stick around and return to this blog over and over. I would also hope that you would share this blog and my Facebook page with your friends and loved ones.

If you ever need support, advice or just and ear to hear your worries and concerns please feel free to email me at


Welcome to my new blog. I have been keeping a personal blog documenting my journey over the last 2 years but decided to start a new one. A lot has changed in my world, my mind and my body over the last 2 years and I thought it would be good to start a fresh new blog.

In this blog I will be sharing my own personal journey as I continue to lose weight, transform my body and learn more about health and fitness. I am extremely passionate about sharing my struggles and triumphs with others in the hopes that I might inspire them to reach for their own goals.

Every day is not a bowl of cherries but we can make the best out of them if we have the right mind frame. So another part of my journey has been to transform my thinking. I like to research motivational quotes and inspirational stories to help motivate me and keep me focused on my own goals.

Although I am not religious and have an open mind when it comes to spirituality I tend to lean a lot on my roots and beliefs. I do acknowledge that God has been a driving force in my life. I thank Him for all He has done in my life and know that I wouldn't be who I am or where I am without Him.

The health and fitness information that I post on this blog will be for informational purposes only. I like to learn as much as I can about them because it makes me feel empowered and in control. It is my personal opinion that you grow as you learn. Since my goal is to be the best me I can be I am open to learning and growing as a person. Knowledge is power!

So I hope that you come along with me as I continue my journey to be the best me I can be. I understand that I can't compare myself to anyone else. The battle is within. I can only challenge myself to be better than I was yesterday. Always chasing my dreams and not the dreams of others. :)

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog.